For me, art is instinctual. I always knew I would be an artist because I am compelled to create visual images. Wherever I go, I look to see how to translate what I see into a painting.
I love colour and have never been afraid to use it in unconventional ways. Colour is a communicator of emotion. Dark shades contrasting with bright hues are inspiring and exciting. I don't have a problem sacrificing a realistic view for a vibrant visual that is brilliantly coloured. Colour implies energy and emotion, and I use it to reflect the emerging spirit of my subject matter as I see it.
My artwork takes a whimsical view of wildlife. Often, I portray my subjects head-on looking out at the viewer. This angle is not meant to be confrontational but rather more amusing and curious, taking away the formality that reality sometimes possesses. I want my work to connect people with the animals and birds surrounding us, showing a different view of the wildlife inhabitants of this world.
My work can be found in:
nowords Gallery Shop in Cambridge
Art Gallery of Hamilton, Art Sales + Service
Or contact me directly at
Self-portrait, 2007
SCA 2nd Award of Excellence
2023 - SCA Elected Members Exhibition
Honourable Mention
2017 - Milton Art in the Park, Country Heritage Park
First Prize 2-D, Juror's Award
2016 - Milton Art in the Park, Country Heritage Park
Second Place Category One
2015 - Fourth Annual Juried Exhibition, Wellington Artists Gallery
Honourable Mention
2014 - Walk on the Wild Side, Annual Open Juried Wildlife Show, Beaux-Arts Brampton